Monday, September 29, 2014


I always get quite nostalgic around Logan's birthday...... The journey to get this little boy into the world wasn't easy....  After losing 2 babies before him, and scheduling an appointment with my OB to discuss our "options" (we also lost our our first baby, before Jayce) I had almost give up hope....  I know so many other women who had lost more pregnancies but, I was at the end of my rope and was in a very dark place in my life...

When I finally became pregnant with Logan, we stayed very quiet about the pregnancy.... After all, going in for another sonogram and hearing "I am so sorry, but there is no heartbeat" wasn't something I wanted to hear AGAIN....  I started spotting rather soon into my first trimester, went into the ER, had an ultrasound done, where the tech couldn't even see much because it was so early!  They assumed I was losing him and told me to go home and rest.... I remember the nurses handning me pamphlets and explaining what my body would do.... At that point I was numb, pissed, sad and totally treated those poor nurses like shit.  I threw the pamphlets and told them "I already know"

Days went by and nothing happened..... Turns out, I was progressing fine.  I was paranoid the entire time and was so happy to ease into my 2nd trimester, then the 3rd...   Then in late Septemeber I started to "leak" a bit when I was walking......  I assumed it was just the norm!  I would use the bathroom. stand up, sit down, repeat...  I wanted to be sure I emptied my bladder all the way!  I felt like I was at mass on Sunday in the bathroom (stand sit stand sit)....  A few days later I told James something just didn't feel right and I didn't think it was normal to slowly leak every day!  That night as we were sitting on the couch watching The Raiders play (I think they lost, go figure), I jumped off the seat with a BIG contraction....... ONLY once!  So weird, and we were both puzzled..... James said, I think we should go in just to be sure you are both ok!  I agreed and off we went.

I checked into the ER and was quickly taken to L & D where I was hooked up to monitors.... NO contractions!  The nurse that came in said "Hi my name is _________, (as she looked at her watch) I am off in 20 minutes so, what can I do for you?"  This did not set well with me......... We told her what was going on so she decided to do a strip test... A strip test will tell you if you are leaking amniotic fluid or if it just urine.... She did the test, called the on call doctor and came back in... "Well the edges of the strip are blue just a little but, Dr. says to go ahead and send you home"  OK, I assume that these people know what they are talking about.....  We were a little relieved since Logan wasn't due for another 5 weeks....

The next morning I just couldn't get the strip test off my mind.....  It was a Monday so, I decided to call my doctor.... At the time, I was seeing a midwife, and she told me to come in immediately!  James was still home that morning doing some work, and getting ready to leave so, I jumped in my car and headed to the office...

As soon as I was on the table and she checked me, she looked at me and said "You are fully ruptured..."  Since I had never had a "water break' before, I just assumed a gush would come out and not a slow leak....... "You need to go to the hospital right now because you need to deliver..."  I looked at her and said "Is he going to be ok?"  She assured me he would be fine and I left the office...

I called James and said "I need you to come back home and meet me there, we need to go to the hospital, we are going to have a baby"  He really couldn't talk, we were both shocked and worried.....

As we settled into our hospital room, things seemed pretty calm....  We hung out together, watched TV and chatted.  They sent in an ultrasound technician to see what was going on..... As the tech took a look at my belly, he looked a little puzzled.. he asked me "Have you been sick?  Have you had a fever?"  Nope..... I hadn't.....  He then said "You have NO amniotic fluid and this is really dangerous for your baby"  Well, I guess that explained the leak....  Poor Logan had nothing to swim in,,,,

The first round of cervical gel was placed around 3:30pm and was given to me every couple of hours..... I felt nothing and had no contractions until 10:45pm that night.....  They were tolerable, but I asked for an epidural so things wouldn't be so bad...  Our beautiful baby boy was born in 7 minutes of pushing at 1:20AM on October 2, 2007.  They handed him to me and I was in awe...He wasn't making much noise.... They had called in a specialist to check him out, and he was whisked away rather quickly.....  James followed.  I was taken care of by my incredible nurse Rachel, who was a dear family friend, she changed my bed, helped me use the bathroom and turned off the lights and closed my door so I could sleep...  Around 6am, I heard the door open and it was James... He looked so exhausted!!!!  He curled up on the chair by me and fell asleep...  Around 7:30 am Rachel came in to have us moved to Mother Baby....  James decided to go home, shower and rest a bit... At this point, I had no clue where Logan was...I assumed he was in the nursery and they were allowing me to rest up.

Around 10:30am I got a call in my room from the Neonatal Specialist from The NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) asking me if I would like to come down there to see Logan....  I didn't have an episiotomy so it made walking SO much easier this time around......  When I walked in, washed and scrubbed my hands and arms, I was greeted by some of the most incredible nurses I have ever known....  They took me to his isolate and I peeked inside at my tiny 5 pound boy, who was hooked up to wires, monitors and the tape on his diaper almost wrapped around his itty bitty waist!  He was so small, so beautiful and was sleeping.....  They explained to me that he wasn't life threatening but, he most likely wouldn't get to come home with us until he gained some weight and was closer to his due date... I was just barely to my 35th week of pregnancy when he arrived.  We had no idea what we were in for..

Logan didn't know how to suck, swallow and breathe....That is a natural reaction for a baby and he just didn't get it...  We literally had to push his chin up and down to try to suck on his bottle..... He would barely eat anything and was now dropping under 5 pounds...  It was frustrating to watch him not get the nourishment he so badly needed....  After a few days the nurses and his doctor decided that he needed to have a tube placed in his nose so we could gavage feed....  A gavage is when a tube is placed into the nose, down to the stomach so that the newborn can get formula...  The problem was that it wasn't teaching him how to suck but, he needed food!  Logan stopped breathing twice during his stay, once when he was in my arms, he turned blue and I handed him to the nurse because I completely panicked.....  It was the hardest things I have ever had to watch.....  Leaving the hospital without your baby is not easy....

I think around day 6 or 7, Logan FINALLY took to the nipple......  He finally figured it out!  We were relieved!  He didn't take much but, we were happy he was making progress and taking at least 1/2 an ounce....  After 10 long days, being with our son around the clock, he was discharged and able to come home....  Jayce was there to escort him and I wouldn't have had it any other way since he was only allowed to see him through glass!  The NICU nurses quickly became family to us and I am forever grateful to them and often refer to them as Logan's "guardian angels"  Without them, and without us being persistent about being there learning how to take care of a preemie, he would've been there much longer~ going home was great but, scary!  We did ok.....

A now 70 pound 6 year old, feisty, funny, blunt, and definitely a "mamas boy", our little miracle is our hearts joy!  He is the baby of the family and is spoiled by his 2 older cousins and his relationship with his brother is priceless.......  he is our second rainbow baby, and has proved to us that big things come in small packages.... Logan saved me, he saved my marriage and he truly is a miracle... He made me SLOW DOWN and appreciate how precious life really is.

Thursday we will celebrate his 7th birthday and I can hardly believe it..... He has taught us so much....He truly is a "fighter"

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It has been 5 months into our good eating and Body by Vi journey.  Throughout the last few months of trying to shed pounds and promoting a great product, I have learned who to trust, who I can rely on, who my real friends are, and how to love my family even more....  Currently, I have lost 27 pounds and James has lost 36 pounds!  What an incredible ride this has been.... Challenging at times, emotional too... The best part of helping myself has been loving myself, which is something I have never felt much... Don't let that outgoing personality fool you:)))  I have my issues just like everyone else, I am human:)
Feeling good about myself was key for me!  I don't need to be "skinny" or fit into a bikini, ALL I wanted to do was feel ALIVE.  I am feeling that and so much more!  I am still not where I want to be but, I will get there, it's baby steps and, I am wiling to take those steps.
Not only have I benefited from this journey but, so has my family..  I am no longer the bitchy mom who yells at everyone all day, I am no longer tired and taking naps daily, I no longer drink 3-4 pepsis daily, I do not go through drive thus 3-5 times a week.....  I am a better wife and mother due to the fact that I finally put myself first!  I struggle with "mom guilt" a lot!  I have been a stay at home mom for 9 1/2 years now and it is what I know...  My children always come first, and they still do but now, I have taken myself to a whole new level!  My marriage is thriving, and everyone is much happier around here... I like to call it "harmony" I stress less about the "little things" now... Life is way too short to worry about things that just are not that important...  Soon, before I know it, my kids won't want to hold my hand in Disneyland, or even go out in public with me:))))

I have discovered that I LOVE chatting with people and hearing their stories, their "why"....  It is amazing to me how similar my "why" is when I talk to customers...  It is important to me that I not only support and encourage myself but, I support and encourage others!  The out pouring of support from friends and family has been incredible...  When someone tells me I inspire them, my jaw drops..  Me?  Inspiring?  I never guessed I'd have that affect on people!  How amazing is that?

I have been so honest and open with people, really putting myself out there, and I have found that to be appreciated more then I realized..  When I decided to become a part of The Visalus Company, I did it to hold myself accountable, and to get my life on track as far as my health and eating were concerned... Little did I know, I'd inspire many others to join me in this adventure:)  I've dealt with a lot of people's negativity towards the Body by Vi products!  My first few weeks I would get defensive and upset...  I even cried one day and told James "I cannot do this..."  Now, I turn my cheek....  I have never claimed to be a dietician or a health expert, that I am not!!  BUT, I do claim that this product is working for me, and I love every bit of it...  Helping people change their life has been a wonderful feeling and a challenge that I have taken head on!!!  I have taken control of my life and my eating habits and faced it straight on...  I am no longer afraid of how people "feel" about this program...  It is what it is...  Most people are just afraid of what they don't understand, or they have ZERO facts, or they think we "starve..."  I can assure you that I don't starve, and if that were the case I would have given up the first 2 weeks!!  This is about challenging yourself to newer heights!  Believing in yourself, making better choices and running with it!!!  To grasp this, you HAVE to go to a challenge party!!!  That is where you will get your facts, from a promotor who knows the ropes!!!  I am walking and living proof that you can feel better and ALIVE again.... One step at a time..

I am pretty sure my life is headed in an awesome direction!!  I never thought I could do this and I AM!!!  So much more to go but, I see the light at the end of the tunnel that was once very dark!!!  Watch out light, I am headed your way!

Sweet Dreams,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Feeling good..

As I am driving everyone bonkers on facebook about my newest journey, I decided to blog today..

I think that when I post, that most people think I am trying to "sell" them something... That is NOT the case! CLEARLY, I have had very little jobs in my life and a sales woman is NOT on the list! I have never done anything like this in my life! Deciding to sell Body By Vi was a choice I made for myself, to keep me in line and hold me accountable for my eating issues... I do not endorse products OR business's unless I whole heartedly believe in them and, for me this is working! Now, this goes without saying, I have completely changed my eating habits and started to work out! You have to! I think some people's misconception is "Oh I can have a shake and get skinny?" Uh, NO... It isn't magical, you have to do work and commit to a change!!! But all the nutrition in these shakes makes it so easy!!! Besides the taste is amazing.... James has dropped 12 pounds and I finally hit my 10 pound mark this morning!! A very big moment for me!!.... Now, on to another 10!!

I share because I believe in Body By Vi and what it stands for.... It's ok if you don't, I understand, but please don't be an asshole and say mean things. What works for me may not work for you and, I am ok with that, just don't bash me for trying to be my best:)

Have a great day... until next time, hopefully I will be down another 5 pounds!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012


I feel like I begin ALL my posts with "It's been way to long" and well, tonight is no exception! ....

Sooooooo much has gone on since my last post... The Youth Football nightmare is finally over and in a couple months, Logan will graduate from Pre School, and Jayce will finish up 4th grade! I registered Logan for Kindergarten and I felt like my life was going to start taking on a new direction! I have known nothing but being a stay at home Mom for 9 years! I worked part time before and a while during Jayce's arrival, and shortly started staying home there after... ALWAYS having a cheer or dance job on the side since 1993!.... With that being said, Logan being in school more often starting in August, it opens up a window of possibilities for me.

I want to still take care of my family, I love doing that even tho sometimes I wanna kick their ass, but I had a need, a want, a desire to do something for ME! The last few years I have battled a nasty weight gain that I ignored.... I mean, I saw it, I felt it but I didn't want to do anything to help it.. So, as the clothes tightened and I felt like crap on the inside, I faked it on the outside.... I had been told about a new wight loss shake last April 2011 from my great girl Lindsey.... She raved about how good they were and for me, well ummmmmmmm, yeah I wasn't convinced! I had tried the slim fast crap that literally tasted like SHIT. Bleh! I am not about to starve to be thin, and let me get real here, I don't need to be "thin", I just want to be HAPPY, make sense? So, with much talk I tried a sample, and BOOM, Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I felt like I was drinking a milkshake! They were yummy for sure! I ended up ordering and I did lose 10 pounds before recital last year, that felt great! BUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT, after recital I stopped drinking them, and they sat around, and literally were shipped to my door every month because I was on an auto ship.... Money wasted? Possibly.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago... James has been bugging me to start a diet for MONTHS! I of course resisted! It wasn't until he went to the doctor because he just felt crappy and the doctor ran a panel on him.... Needless to say the results weren't great (sorry honey I am putting you on blast)..... His cholesterol was insane and the doc said he needed to make a change, NOW.......

Reality.. scared.. and I know that if I had gone in for a panel my results would be horrific!!!! Jayce's weight was up and down and he only ate crap, and I allowed him to, because I too was eating crap! Literally 3-4 pepsi's a day, no joke! I didn't drink much water... I CRAVED fast food daily and I would eat even when I felt full! This was out of control.

James came home a couple weeks ago and said, "You know what, you are not helping me so I am going to Weight Watchers today!" Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, there in my living room was 8 bags of Body by Vi shakes that I had invested in, and oh yeah, I tried to sell it to get rid of it too!! I said, "You know what? NO! WE are going to to the shakes and WE are going to do this together!" With a plan in action and some amazing inspiration from Lindsey Curry and Amy La Rosa, (Or LA RAZA as I like to call her) I took that next step to get some good solid support, a meal plan and a kick in the ASS!!!!!!

There were many days when my kids were not home and I would literally lay on the couch for hours or go back to sleep because I had NO energy to do anything! I secretly cried or stuffed myself with food to cope with being fat, yes I said it, fat. I was 120 pounds in high school and I thought I was FAT! Holy shit I'd die to look like that again! But really, another big driving force for me was the fact that 3 years ago I had a breast reduction, and I knew if I didn't stop the out of control roller coaster of my weight, that my breasts would grow heavy again and I DID NOT want that to happen! 3 pounds from each side were taken off and I never wanted to have that heavy (Literally!) burden on me again!

So, with that being said James and I began our new adventure as a couple on Monday March 27, 2012! James joined a cross fit class and I started walking DAILY!! I started at 20 minutes and by the end of last week I was up to 45 minutes... We drank our shakes and after a couple of days of headaches and detoxing the crappy food, I felt amazing! I had energy, I wanted to scream to the world how good it felt! I lost 5 pounds the first week and James lost 9!!! We have our fridge and pantry stocked with awesome, healthy food and what took me surprise the most was that our boys followed our lead! They beg for shakes every day! Even putting in fresh fruit! OMG, they like it?! YES! They do!

I signed on as a distributor for Body by Vi for one reason, I believe this stuff works for me and for my family... I am holding myself accountable by getting to share my thoughts with others and to show them that if I can do this, then so can you! I made excuses for years!!!!!!! Well, I am done making those excuses because I am proving to myself that I am well worth the challenge! I can and I WILL do this..... I honestly have never felt so good, EVER. I am very proud of my awesome husband for doing so good too! He has been such a huge motivator for me, and I am so grateful... James, I love you so very much... We have gone through a lot of bull shit, BUT doing this together is so magical, and I thank you for allowing me to try to find my self worth, find my footing and start making some serious changes to benefit our future..... You have always been, and will forever be my guiding light and the reason I am loving to live!

Feeling good, and making a plan can only start with YOU! Taking this step was HUGE for me and I am so glad I did this! I feel like I am finally doing something for ME! If mama ain't happy, NOBODY is happy! LOL! I want to share this journey with all of my family and friends..... Support and positiveness is my motivation and I will not tolerate the negativity, so for those of you who want to give me a downgrade, well shame on you. I was moved by the amazing people who's stories I heard at my first challenge party, it was like listening to myself speak! Moved to tears..... You know who you are:)

So, it's been a week and the BEST week of my life! Besides my wedding day, and birth's of my children:) I am on a mission..... NOT to wear a bikini but, to be the best I can possibly be!! I deserve that, and I deserve me:)

Good night friends.... sweet dreams and if you want to take control of your self worth, you know where to find me:) you can do this, because there is positive, motivating people in the world, you just have to know which direction to turn and, be ready to take the journey.... Nobody said it will be easy, but satisfying, ABSOLUTELY, you have no idea!

"Join The Challenge"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let's get real...

It has been several months since my last post, so for you loyal fans and followers I apologize! Life has gotten busy!

SO many changes in our house the last few months.... Logan started school (thank god!) and Jayce started 4th grade AND youth football! I will admit that when Jayce came home last school year to tell us he wanted to play, I cringed! Now, before you judge me, let me be perfectly up front.... Since age 4 Jayce has played soccer... It has been a nightmare! The first year the coach was a complete jack ass whom only focused on his own son, and only cheered on his own son... I mean you'd think we were playing in the World Cup! BUT, despite my little voice inside telling me NOT to sign him up year after year there after, I still did... Let's face it, it is good to get kids out to be active!! Weekend after weekend we spent our Saturday's at the soccer field wtaching our very "non athletic", "non aggressive" son play soccer, meanwhile he is on the field waving to his friends on opposite fields and just letting people pass him by with the ball. NOW, I am fully aware that Jayce is simply NOT cut out for this sport BUT, this is a child who has a heart of GOLD! He is THAT kid on your team who will do as he is asked (but maybe half ass) and cheer for his teammates until he has no voice left.... This is something that ALL teams need.... So, I was super concerned about the football issue as, a former high school athlete I knew he was in for a rude awakning!

Practices began the second week of July... AND in the central valley that means it's fucking HOT! His first day of conditioning I prepped myself all day! I had his cleats out, bought him a new water bottle and was ready to go with my chair to watch my boy!!!! Now, my Husband, who is the president of the organization wasn't so sure I should go..... He told me, "If you go, you need to sit far away where he cannot see you"...... Needless to say my feelings were hurt!!! SO, being the stubborn ass that I am, I reluctantly stayed behind.... I didn't go for 2 weeks to watch him.. Now, I coached cheer for 10 years AND competitive at that... I know first hand that kid's perform better when your nose isn't up their rear! Jayce has never been an athletic kid, nor aggressive so, I kept telling myself that this was going to be so good for him.... I had NO idea!

We are almost 3 months into him practicng/playing... He has completley shocked me and James..... He is one of the last kids to run his laps, he doesn't hit to kill the kid he's up against, and he is so respectful to his coaches.... He has not complained ONE time about going to practice in the heat, I mean with the exception of a couple days of him just wanting to relax at home...... His confidence has shot through the roof, and he has made many new friends. I LOVE watching him, even tho he doesn't play all the time. He has shown me a new side to him! He has such a big heart, and so much to offer this world... The shitty parents who complain about every damn thing are hard to dismiss but, I try to stay away from the practice field so I am not "that" parent... It's not that I don't support the program or my son, I just don't want to be set off by an ignorant comment by a parent who sits their ass at practice and doesn't volunteer their time to try to help out the board.... I am so proud of my boy, it brings me much joy to see him having fun!

Now, the parents on the other hand, that's a hold new world for me.... It is difficult with having a child play and having my husband as president.... Many times I have to bite my tongue in order not to embarress James or Jayce. Although positive suggestions are great, it's the negativity and the fact that parents think they are owed something! It is beyond me why people would sign their child up for something and then sit around and complain about every aspect of the program, whether it's coaching or not wanting to follow the rules! Aren't we the ones who are supposed to be setting a good example for our kids? It's very frustrating to me when people don't offer a solution but continue to be a problem.... Youth sports would NOT operate without volunteers and a really solid board! These people are taking time away every evening and every Saturday to coach your childern, and to keep them in a safe environment.... It is no wonder that so many kids are such punks now a days's because when you see their psycho parent screaming and bitching about everything, they follow!!!!! I am obvioulsy outspoken but, I am NOT disrespectful! If my boys ever disrespect an adult I will beat their ass! Why do some parents feel they are entitled? I just don't understand this...... I see James come home everynight from practice, and deal with a lot of extra, unnecessary bull shit. I commend him for his constant patience and "babysitting" of some of these parents who think throwing a tantrum and using the F word in fromt of the kids is "ok" because they had a bad day........ Really? I also LOVE the threats!!! Those are my favorite! "Well, then I'm taking my kid to another team..." Ummmm, ok, then turn in your kids shit and have fun.... Leave, bye bye, have fun. Let's show our kids that if they don't get their way that it's ok to quit. That's a great way to prepare them for real life when you work for an asshole!! Guess what, you have bills to pay! I also really enjoy the ones who threaten to sue, or say they're going to call their attorney because you get NO refund! You sign an agreeement that their is NO refunds so, how hard is that to understand?.... Hmmmmmmmm..... Hey listen, parenting is the hardest job out there but, WE need to be role models! Don't get me wrong, I am the first one to wanna be pissed if my kid is messed with but, this has nothing to do with the treatment of the kids, it's the parents and how they ruin this for their children by acting like animals! Just come and support and don't fight the rules! It is that simple..... Ok, rant over!

Moral to this post.... I am over the moon proud of my son, and parents you need a reality check sometimes.... or a shot of Patron and a Zanex...

Until next time..

P.S. I am so not perfect but, I try to be a good, supporive role model to my kids.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's been so long!

It has been a while since my last post! This past month has been crazy!

Last month I found out I had 3 kidney stones! Yikes, that was awful pain! They really need to consider giving epidurals for that shit! My god, it is horrible! A week or so after that I was blind sided by the stomach flu, and then it spread like wild fire through this house! I was cleaning up puke for days! NASTY!!! And then of course I got a nasty cold that worked it's way into my throat, where the doctor found "ulcers" as he called it, and then in English he told me there were canker sores covering my entire throat! Just like the stones, that was good times!... Ummmm, no! I am the worlds biggest bitch when I am sick because even tho you wanna lay down and rest, YOU CAN'T when the entire household rely's on you for almost everything!! So, needless to say, the past month has been really crappy!

On a positive note, it is now Thanksgiving and I am so excited to be spending it here at home with the boy's and my in laws! This is Jame's favorite holiday and when we moved into the house 4 years ago, he began a tradition of cooking the bird... I used to look over his shoulder and coach every move, but I have stopped doing that because he does a wonderful job all on his own! Today he "prepped" his bird, and shot it up with a ton of melted butter! I am sure it will be amazing! I am in charge of all the side dishes and actually look forward to working with him in the kitchen! This is the ONLY time he is allowed in there while I am in there!

Jayce had an excellent report card, and a great parent teacher conference! I was very proud of his accomplishments. He is doing wonderful in school and I know he will continue to be a good student.. Soccer is over and he will not be returning, it's just not his thing! He is still taking hip hop, which he LOVES, and is trying to get through Cathecism as well...

Logan NEEDS to go to pre school! We are going to send him after the first of the year. He continues to be a holy terror, but he is so dang funny it is hard not to laugh at that kid! He decided he would call his big brother a "bitch" yesterday.... My lord how he picks up on things! Jayce never repeated any bad words so, this is a new journey I am on... He is a "toughie".... Getting mad and giving him a swat on the buns doesn't phase this child! I am so in trouble with this one!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for everything in my life.... There are days when I wish I could "Have it all", but really I do... It's been in front of me all the time, I just didn't appreciate it before! I have a wonderful Husband who provides for this family... 2 healthy children... The best brother and sister ever, and 2 amazing parents! My in laws are also very special people who I am so grateful for...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, be thankful for everything you have.
Until next time..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My LOVE for Footnotes

As most of you know I work at a dance studio in Ceres... This is my 5th year with Footnotes Dance Studio! Now, I have worked for some real assholes in my life! ALL MEN! The one positive thing that I took from my crappy experiences was a BACK BONE! I used to come home crying from the gymnastics gym I worked at almost weekly! James always said, "Kerry, you have to speak up for yourself or people will always run over you..." Guess I took that advice and RAN!

I started dance at age 3 in King City Ca at Pauline's Dance Studio... Black leotard, and pink tights, bun in hair every week! It was instant love! I LOVED to dance and entertain! I was introduced to "The Nutcracker" where I portrayed a mouse! I know, freakin lame right? BUT, I was little, and cute:)

We then moved to Anaheim Hills Ca where I danced at Christines..... Stayed there and did 2 recitals and we were off to move again!

Ending up in Turlock at age 8, my Mom enrolled me with Deborah Morgan.... I danced with Deborah for 13 years.. I had some amazing experiences, including many trips! LA, San Fran, Vegas.... But nothing could compare to the very last trip I was able to make at age 20, to Europe! I traveled to England, Amsterdam, France and Scotland! Danced in Hyde Park in London, The Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland just to name a few. It was a chance of a lifetime! I was on a tour for 2 weeks, never been away from home, and in love with my future husband... I was so home sick! However, the experience was one that I cannot begin to put into words! Simply AMAZING!

I started coaching cheer for a local youth team at age 15... I stayed with Turlock Youth Cheer for 7 wonderful years! I talked the advisors into letting them compete which was something they had never done! It kinda escalated from there! I worked with some amazing young ladies, and some with whom I am still in touch with today..

After I realized I could actually get paid to teach, I moved onto high school cheer teams... Denair High, Delhi High, and then onto a magnificent Co Ed All Star Team named: Turlock Cheer Unlimited! They were the highlight of my coaching career! Kicking ass and taking names! Damn kids were spectacular!

I took some time off from coaching to start my family, and I missed it so! I contacted a local gym owner to see if he'd be interested in starting an all girl all star team... He agreed and I worked with Cheer Force Unlimited All Stars for 2 years... After my 2nd year, I was up to my neck and, had had it with cheer! I was so done! I wanted so badly to go back to my roots and start teaching dance! I wanted to be at a studio that had competitive teams as well as regular classes! Be careful what you wish for!

I met Lindsey Taylor years ago when I danced for Deborah.... We were in the same class... Very sweet, beautiful, curly blonde girl from Ceres.. Always thought she was a little quiet but oh so nice! Little did I know that years later that quiet, pretty girl would be signing my paychecks!

I ran into Lindsey at a local competition in Turlock my last year of cheer.. I said hello, and told her if she was hiring for her studio to please let me know! I wanted OUT of that crazy cheer world! Much to my surprise, she e mailed a few weeks later..

When I started with Footnotes I was so nervous! So scared, I mean I was so much older then the other instructors, and obviously not in the same shape as these little 2o somethings! Talk about intimidation! Almost immediately these people made me feel so welcome! They were funny, and you could tell they were all close! I really didn't think I would be accepted....... I was so wrong!

Five years later and I know I am where I belong... These people are family! I have developed some amazing friendships and bonds with these talented individuals! They have ALL been there for me through good and bad times.... The staff in the above picture are the people I can turn to in any crisis... I could not ask to have a more amazing job! I get to work with the sweetest kids who LOVE coming to dance class! I want to make their experience that much more special each week! Those kids light up my life, and if I am ever down they make me smile!

Netta, Chrissy, Melissa, Roxanne, Linds, Simon, Brianne, Melanie, Twitter, Morgan, Haylee, Sonya, Steph and Pookie:
You are so special to me.... You are not only co workers but you are FAMILY to me.... Thank you for making work such a fun and interesting place to be! Always a good time with this crew.... The work that we create together as a company is PHENOMENAL! Recital after recital we always pull out the most fantastic shows! I love you all so much and am so grateful that you have all come into my life..

Oh, and it's nice to have a boss who appreciates you.. It's also a perk to have that person be one of your very best friends.


Peas and carrots

I could go on and on about Footnotes Dance Studio... You can check us out on Facebook or at

You won't regret sending your dancer to us! The STAFF will treat you like family...


James's first bullfight this season..

My "other" Family

My "other" Family
LOVE my Footnotes Family!!