Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kerry's Corner

All thanks to Rob, Susie, SMB, Amy, Krisiey and Alby I have decided that I will start blogging! I will save you all now by saying, I will not hold back here..... By this I mean you will get me, the real me... Funny, sad, crazy, mouthy etc etc! I like the F word, so if that is a problem, then you probably should not follow me, because I WILL use that word often... I figure this is a good WARNING so, leave now, or forever hold your peace..

My Sister Amy, and my cousin Susie, along with my cousins wife Krisiey ventured out this past weekend to do a 3 day 60 mile walk for the Susan G Komen Fund.... As they ventured out on day one they walked 23 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a shit load of walking! Their intent of course was to do the entire walk! However, they decided as a team if they ALL wanted to quit, they would! NOW, before you judge these remarkable ladies, let me just tell you that they had already raised $10,000! That is truly amazing! Day 1 was rough on them all, not to mention RAIN! Susie ended up with a blister "the size of Canada" as she said, and ended up in the first aid tent.. Amy's calves felt like rocks, and poor Krisiey missed her babies:( They ended up officially retiring, and returned to Portland after a day in Seattle! That is where this bloggong issue came to mind!

As you know, I am avid facebooker! I am on there everyday and I find facebook a place where I can meet up with old classmates and, family I do not see often.... Also, to vent! Which I take part in often. My philosophy? You don't like it? Don't read it! OR, just block me! Really, I do not care either way!

So, as the girls returned to Portland, they met up with Alby (my cousin, Krisiey's hub), Rob (my Brother) and Stephen (My brothers BF)..... Stephen proceeded to make a smart ass status update on FB about how Kerry Goman Rocha should have a spot in the Turlock Journal called "Kerry's Corner...." Of course these fools were all together waiting for me to bite........ I did.
So, that leads you here....... I cannot promise that you will enjoy this or even follow but, I can promise you one thing, I will entertain you.


By Bethanni Hoffman said...

I love it!!! I will be excited for your next post for sure :)

mommyrocks4 said...

Get it mama! I need to get my site are all tricked out!


James's first bullfight this season..

My "other" Family

My "other" Family
LOVE my Footnotes Family!!