Do you realize that in the last 3 weeks their have been 5 suicide's by teens who are gay? FIVE! That is one too many!.... WHY in the hell is this still an issue? I do NOT understand...
Now, before you judge me or, my opinion, I can tell you first hand that I have personally dealt with homosexuality almost my whole life... It is near and dear to me, and I have always been ok with it... It does not bother me at all! I am not writing tonight to change your mind, or to make you believe in what I believe in... If anything, take a moment to look around, there is someone near you almost everyday who is gay. Is it really affecting your life?
How sad that the families of these young victims are dealing with these tragedies! How SAD that these victims felt there was no other way... How sad that our society has so much other fucked up shit going on that their focus is to tell someone who they should or shouldn't love.... Tyler Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge... and 13 year old Seth Walsh hanged himself! In most of these cases, these kids were teased and bullied. This makes me sick! When I was in school, I got teased for having big boobs! It was so hurtful, and I cannot IMAGINE what these kids had to endure everyday of their lives...
Gay people aren't sick... You can't get a disease from sitting next to them. Gay people don't turn straight people gay... Why can't people in this country educate themselves? Why are people so damn mean? Oh, and let me tell you, gay people are NOT going to pick up on your ass! Trust me, they know who runs in their circle! Good lord.. You ain't that fly!
I found out that my Brother was gay when I was 15.. A Sophomore in High School, my Mom came into my room one evening to tell me.... I said, "ok...." She looked at me funny.... I said, "Mom, I could have told you that..." I knew, I always knew.... It wasn't something shocking nor did it bother me in the least. My Brother was an amazing person, both talented and funny........
I knew that I went to school with a lot of people who were gay... They either didn't know it yet, or they were too scared to admit it and come out... How sad! How is it that I can walk around and be who I want to be but, a gay person has to hide, bottle it up, pretend... I find that so disturbing and pathetic that I live in a country where I am supposed to have freedoms but, a gay person has to worry about the ignorance and brain washed church crowds to look down on them and "pray" for them? They don't need prayer! They need support, love, loyalty and acceptance! I hope that in my lifetime I live to see the day when the gay community is accepted by all... Until then, I will continue to LOVE everyone... Gay, straight, black, green, polka dotted, skinny, fat whatever!!
I am not here to change your views.... We all have a right to our opinion, that is for sure... I think that everyone needs to be aware of what is going on with these young kids! Our youth shouldn't be dying! They have a whole life ahead of them! I know that I have already talked to Jayce about the subject... I have told him that we DO NOT make fun of people regarding their race, origin or, choice of loved one.. It is WRONG and if he ever has any questions to come to ME!!! Not to anyone else! I will fill my child's head with knowledge and not HATE or disgust!
Take a minute to remind yourself that we all have choices... And although you may not "believe" there is no NEED to be mean and hateful.. Just mind your own business.
You are amazing and I am proud of you everyday! You inspire me more then you will ever know! You have been there for me when nobody else was....... I know I can always call you for a good laugh and, although you are a state away I am always here for you and will hop on the next flight in a heartbeat if you ever need it! You are strong, and endured so much.... Your talent has taken you so far, and I admire all you do for others. You are the most unselfish person I have ever known. How lucky I am to have a big Brother like you!
AMEN! Love to read your blog.
I have to admit I was one of those uneducated idiots who didn't know anyone who was gay but thought it was wrong...Until I met the most dearest, kindest, loving, man in the world and his partner, and knew that it wasn't up to me to judge, and if anyone was going to judge (and really it's not up to anyone but GOD to judge which is in the Bible), so aren't all sins equal??? So if the Bible is true, then those that judge are sinning like anyone else...I don't think that the God I know would approve of that...since it is His job not ours??? I agree w/ you Kerry, people need to be educated not ignorant about things before they throw their stone??? Good one!
My dear Kerry,
Your words are beautiful. We have so much hate in this world. Life is already so full of hardships, illnesses, and unexpected tragedies. We all need to embrace love and feel it's fullness. There is no such thing as heterosexual love or homosexual love. There is just LOVE.
I am so happy you are writing about this. Between the Ellen taping and the news, it is a frightening world we live in. Our whole live we try to be excepted and I cannot fathom living in that fear. Bless you for bringing a voice and your own personal truth to this epidemic. Something has to be done and it starts from one person at a time...
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