Monday, March 19, 2012

Feeling good..

As I am driving everyone bonkers on facebook about my newest journey, I decided to blog today..

I think that when I post, that most people think I am trying to "sell" them something... That is NOT the case! CLEARLY, I have had very little jobs in my life and a sales woman is NOT on the list! I have never done anything like this in my life! Deciding to sell Body By Vi was a choice I made for myself, to keep me in line and hold me accountable for my eating issues... I do not endorse products OR business's unless I whole heartedly believe in them and, for me this is working! Now, this goes without saying, I have completely changed my eating habits and started to work out! You have to! I think some people's misconception is "Oh I can have a shake and get skinny?" Uh, NO... It isn't magical, you have to do work and commit to a change!!! But all the nutrition in these shakes makes it so easy!!! Besides the taste is amazing.... James has dropped 12 pounds and I finally hit my 10 pound mark this morning!! A very big moment for me!!.... Now, on to another 10!!

I share because I believe in Body By Vi and what it stands for.... It's ok if you don't, I understand, but please don't be an asshole and say mean things. What works for me may not work for you and, I am ok with that, just don't bash me for trying to be my best:)

Have a great day... until next time, hopefully I will be down another 5 pounds!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012


I feel like I begin ALL my posts with "It's been way to long" and well, tonight is no exception! ....

Sooooooo much has gone on since my last post... The Youth Football nightmare is finally over and in a couple months, Logan will graduate from Pre School, and Jayce will finish up 4th grade! I registered Logan for Kindergarten and I felt like my life was going to start taking on a new direction! I have known nothing but being a stay at home Mom for 9 years! I worked part time before and a while during Jayce's arrival, and shortly started staying home there after... ALWAYS having a cheer or dance job on the side since 1993!.... With that being said, Logan being in school more often starting in August, it opens up a window of possibilities for me.

I want to still take care of my family, I love doing that even tho sometimes I wanna kick their ass, but I had a need, a want, a desire to do something for ME! The last few years I have battled a nasty weight gain that I ignored.... I mean, I saw it, I felt it but I didn't want to do anything to help it.. So, as the clothes tightened and I felt like crap on the inside, I faked it on the outside.... I had been told about a new wight loss shake last April 2011 from my great girl Lindsey.... She raved about how good they were and for me, well ummmmmmmm, yeah I wasn't convinced! I had tried the slim fast crap that literally tasted like SHIT. Bleh! I am not about to starve to be thin, and let me get real here, I don't need to be "thin", I just want to be HAPPY, make sense? So, with much talk I tried a sample, and BOOM, Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I felt like I was drinking a milkshake! They were yummy for sure! I ended up ordering and I did lose 10 pounds before recital last year, that felt great! BUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT, after recital I stopped drinking them, and they sat around, and literally were shipped to my door every month because I was on an auto ship.... Money wasted? Possibly.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago... James has been bugging me to start a diet for MONTHS! I of course resisted! It wasn't until he went to the doctor because he just felt crappy and the doctor ran a panel on him.... Needless to say the results weren't great (sorry honey I am putting you on blast)..... His cholesterol was insane and the doc said he needed to make a change, NOW.......

Reality.. scared.. and I know that if I had gone in for a panel my results would be horrific!!!! Jayce's weight was up and down and he only ate crap, and I allowed him to, because I too was eating crap! Literally 3-4 pepsi's a day, no joke! I didn't drink much water... I CRAVED fast food daily and I would eat even when I felt full! This was out of control.

James came home a couple weeks ago and said, "You know what, you are not helping me so I am going to Weight Watchers today!" Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, there in my living room was 8 bags of Body by Vi shakes that I had invested in, and oh yeah, I tried to sell it to get rid of it too!! I said, "You know what? NO! WE are going to to the shakes and WE are going to do this together!" With a plan in action and some amazing inspiration from Lindsey Curry and Amy La Rosa, (Or LA RAZA as I like to call her) I took that next step to get some good solid support, a meal plan and a kick in the ASS!!!!!!

There were many days when my kids were not home and I would literally lay on the couch for hours or go back to sleep because I had NO energy to do anything! I secretly cried or stuffed myself with food to cope with being fat, yes I said it, fat. I was 120 pounds in high school and I thought I was FAT! Holy shit I'd die to look like that again! But really, another big driving force for me was the fact that 3 years ago I had a breast reduction, and I knew if I didn't stop the out of control roller coaster of my weight, that my breasts would grow heavy again and I DID NOT want that to happen! 3 pounds from each side were taken off and I never wanted to have that heavy (Literally!) burden on me again!

So, with that being said James and I began our new adventure as a couple on Monday March 27, 2012! James joined a cross fit class and I started walking DAILY!! I started at 20 minutes and by the end of last week I was up to 45 minutes... We drank our shakes and after a couple of days of headaches and detoxing the crappy food, I felt amazing! I had energy, I wanted to scream to the world how good it felt! I lost 5 pounds the first week and James lost 9!!! We have our fridge and pantry stocked with awesome, healthy food and what took me surprise the most was that our boys followed our lead! They beg for shakes every day! Even putting in fresh fruit! OMG, they like it?! YES! They do!

I signed on as a distributor for Body by Vi for one reason, I believe this stuff works for me and for my family... I am holding myself accountable by getting to share my thoughts with others and to show them that if I can do this, then so can you! I made excuses for years!!!!!!! Well, I am done making those excuses because I am proving to myself that I am well worth the challenge! I can and I WILL do this..... I honestly have never felt so good, EVER. I am very proud of my awesome husband for doing so good too! He has been such a huge motivator for me, and I am so grateful... James, I love you so very much... We have gone through a lot of bull shit, BUT doing this together is so magical, and I thank you for allowing me to try to find my self worth, find my footing and start making some serious changes to benefit our future..... You have always been, and will forever be my guiding light and the reason I am loving to live!

Feeling good, and making a plan can only start with YOU! Taking this step was HUGE for me and I am so glad I did this! I feel like I am finally doing something for ME! If mama ain't happy, NOBODY is happy! LOL! I want to share this journey with all of my family and friends..... Support and positiveness is my motivation and I will not tolerate the negativity, so for those of you who want to give me a downgrade, well shame on you. I was moved by the amazing people who's stories I heard at my first challenge party, it was like listening to myself speak! Moved to tears..... You know who you are:)

So, it's been a week and the BEST week of my life! Besides my wedding day, and birth's of my children:) I am on a mission..... NOT to wear a bikini but, to be the best I can possibly be!! I deserve that, and I deserve me:)

Good night friends.... sweet dreams and if you want to take control of your self worth, you know where to find me:) you can do this, because there is positive, motivating people in the world, you just have to know which direction to turn and, be ready to take the journey.... Nobody said it will be easy, but satisfying, ABSOLUTELY, you have no idea!

"Join The Challenge"


James's first bullfight this season..

My "other" Family

My "other" Family
LOVE my Footnotes Family!!